Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Permissive Parents

There's a wonderful article on CNN this morning, about permissive parents and the brats they're raising.  That's right, they even used the word "brats." 

You can find the article here.

I have to say, I agree with the author on most of the points made.  I hate it when parents allow their children to get away with obnoxious behavior without intervening.  I'm tired to eating at high end restaurants and hearing a child scream or ruin the ambiance with their glowing gadgetry.  I'm sick of hearing a child yammer through a movie because the parent is too ineffective to tell them not to disturb everyone around them.

Children need to learn that they are not more important than everyone else.  They are not somehow so special that the rules don't apply to them.  It's a little worrisome that parents wonder why their teenagers show no respect or consideration when these are learned habits from childhood.