Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jenny McCarthy, medical expert

I'm going to veer a little to the left today, and I don't want to get into the vaccine debate here, but I just read something rather horrifying.  Time has posted as article stating that "24% of parents surveyed recently by the University of Michigan say they place “some trust” in information provided by celebrities such as McCarthy about the safety of vaccines."

The entire article can be found here.

It goes on to say that "Most parents — 76% — ranked their doctor's advice highest, but 67% placed “some” trust in family and friends and 65% trusted parents who thought vaccines had harmed their children. Just 2% of parents trusted celebrities “a lot,” but 24% trusted them to “some” extent."


This is one of the more terrifying things I have ever read.  Jenny McCarthy is Playboy bunny.  She has shown her hoo-hoo to the world for profit.  She is NOT a researcher, doctor, or scientist.  Why any one would listen to her about anything other than the benefits of bikini waxing absolutely floors me.  Quite frankly, the whole family and friends thing is a little scary, too.  Unless they happen to be medical doctors, researchers, or scientists.  A popular saying in science it that the plural of anecdotes is not data, and when it comes to vaccines most people will throw around their personal experiences.  Or that of their friend.  Or that person they read about once on the interwebs.

I'm generally all for seeking opinions.  But when it comes to the health of a child, not to mention the health of groups of children (herd immunity), opinion should step aside and decisions should be made on evidence. 

Whether a parent vaccinates or not is not the issue here.  There are valid reasons for both choices.  But making that choice based on anything Jenny McCarthy has to say is, well, stupid.   I know there was evidence that parents are deluded (see previous post here), but I just can't believe this many seem to be stupid. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Vent

Photo by by Mr. Kimberly
Today I had lunch with my co-workers.  Because people feel no compunction to open the floor to my reproductive choices, I was asked (again) why I didn't want children.  I hate these conversations.  I hate feeling I have to defend myself against something, I hate not being able to actually speak my mind for fear of offending someone...

As an appeal to the general public: The next time you happen to corner some poor individual regarding their choice to procreate the following comments and questions are NOT appreciated.  At all.

1. You'll regret it.
2. You're missing out on a great experience.
3. Who will take care of you when you're old?
4. You'll change your mind.
5. Once you have children, you realize how shallow you were before.
6. You'll never know what love really is.
7. It's good that you know you're too selfish to have kids.
8. What are your going to do with your life?

None of these thing are helpful.  What they are is judgmental and ignorant.  If you can't say something nice, please don't say anything at all.