Saturday, March 19, 2011

There Are Very Few Places That Cater to the Childfree

One of the things I think gets lost amid the parents and children out there, are those of us who would enjoy a childfree environment out in public.  Not generally out in public, but in specific places.  But there seems to be very few of these places in existence.  Any restaurant with a kids menu is somewhere I would expect to find children.  But I've been surprised lately at the number of restaurants where I wouldn't expect families with children, and yet, there they are.  I'm talking about higher end places, with no kids menu or booster seats available, and perhaps even a dress code. 

These are not kid friendly environments, yet parents seems to blithely ignore this fact.  Instead they let their little darlings make noise, cry, or bring bright electronic devices into quiet, dimly lit, and distinctly adult orientated places.  The attitude seems to be, "If you don't like it, don't look.  Or eat somewhere else."

But the thing is, I'm paying for a more expensive meal because I enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant.  Only now the quiet is being pierced by loud little voices, and the romantic lighting is brightened by a portable DVD player, iPad, or game system.  In subdued lighting, these bright little screens are very distracting.

This attitude, that my child is so special I don't have to take anyone else into consideration, really burns my butt!  Having children is not an excuse for throwing all manners out the window, and children are not an excuse for rude behavior.  If you're going to bring your child to an adult oriented restaurant, then teach them to behave in one.  And in return, I'll ignore their screams and electronics when I'm anywhere that serves chicken fingers.

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